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这个远程制作人的快速教程应该使您能够通过vMix Call将嘉宾主持人带入vMix,并使您能够与他们交谈, and give them the ability to talk to you, without the audience hearing. Then, when the callers go live, 公共汽车会自动切换,观众会听到他们的声音,但他们听不到现场演出之外发生的事情.

This quick tutorial for remote producers should enable you to bring guest presenters into vMix via vMix Call and give you the ability to talk to them, and give them the ability to talk to you, without the audience hearing. Then, when the callers go live, 公共汽车会自动切换,观众会听到他们的声音,但他们听不到现场演出之外发生的事情.

Let’s call it Green Room Chat. I am sure there is more than one way to do this, but the method I’ll describe below has worked for me.

Setting Audio Preferences

首先,你要确保你的设置已经准备好进入音频首选项. Go to settings > Audio Outputs and enable the buses you will be using. For this purpose, we need to enable only two. In this tutorial we’ll use A for Chat and B as the Master, although you can choose whichever buses you prefer.

Click OK, and vMix will restart.

Assigning Audio Sources


1. 右键单击每个呼叫者窗口并将每个呼叫者的音频源设置为总线A(我相信这是默认值). 

2. Now send Bus B to the Master. (在顶部的音频混音器中,确保B总线启用了M.) 

3. 取消选择每个调用方输入上的自动转换按钮.

4. 当Caller上线时,为调用者音频创建一个触发器以切换到总线B(为每个调用者执行此操作).

5. 做一个反向触发器发送音频回总线a时,他们不是活触发器: 

  • OnTransitionIn AudioBusOff Call1 A
  • OnTransitionIn AudioBusON Call1 B
  • OnTransitionOut AudioBusON Call1 A
  • OnTransitionOut AudioBusOff Call1 B

Setting Additional Triggers

接下来,我们必须创建另一组触发器来更改VideoCallAudio Source. 这将确保呼叫者在现场不会听到后台的闲谈, but it will restore audio when off-program.

注意vMix调用音频的值名称是不同的! Use “BusB” or “BusA” instead of “B” and “A.”

  • OnTransitionIn VideoCallAudio Source Call1 BusB
  • OnTransitionOut VideoCallAudio Source Call1 BusA

Adjusting Program Audio

最后一个提示:如果你想在绿屋聊天中调整节目音频,你可以启用 NDI output on Program and bring that back in as a source. 然后你可以将其发送到总线A,并能够在不影响主程序音频的情况下调整级别.

Note that if you have callers live plus 另一个源——比如视频卷——通过总线B发送所有音频源,而不是直接发送到主机. If you do not do this, 你的呼叫者将听不到其他来源,如果他们也在现场.

That should do it. Just be sure that as the producer, 你要在A公交车上聊天,而不是在B公交车上,否则你也会进入直播节目!

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