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Report From IBC 2023 - Fremantle, XUMO, Tubi, and Fuse Talk FAST's Rush to Quality


FAST channels are beginning to look a lot like TV - and with good reason, FAST主要供应商的高管同意这一观点 Fremantle, XUMO, Tubi, and Fuse. 策展是怎么演变的.

“这并不是说单系列频道行不通,斯蒂芬·范·恩根说, Xumo的副总裁, 内容编程和合作伙伴关系, at an IBC panel on the future of the free ad-supported TV phenomena.

“当一个观众去 成交还是不成交 channel, they get exactly what it says on the tin so they are happy. But the evolution is really that we are programming for an audience as opposed to [publishing] a bucket of stuff we didn’t know what to do with.”

瓦莱里娅·马蒂,FAST频道副总裁, Fremantle, agreed: “FAST began as an experiment with playlists of content stitched together, 但现在它看起来确实像传统的广播电视.”

Rachel Koelher, VP of Original Content of Tubi said, “Personalization is our bread and butter. 我们不会告诉观众该看什么. We have a hyper-personalized approach with channels ranging from ‘80s horror movies to news. We like to create rabbit holes for audiences based on their preferences.”

All agreed that the audience and the content mix has shifted with a greater emphasis now on quality content, 优质的服务, 长格式. Van Engen说,当XUMO刚开始使用FAST时, 它对内容所有者的宣传是, "Do you want to reach emerging audiences and experiment with channelization of content?"

“The only people that resonated with were those producing shortform video,” he said. “Now, the channels that resonate with audiences look a lot like traditional broadcast. It is much more about scheduling longform programs and even driving appointments to view in some cases.”

These FAST channel providers also use techniques drawn from broadcast TV, such as dayparting to schedule different content at different times of the day based on the audience they know will watch (such as programming marathons of themed shows on the weekend).

帕特里克·考特尼,流媒体高级副总裁 & Business Development, FUSE Media had a similar story of FAST service provider growth. 

“我们在2017年启动了FAST频道, 随着时间的推移, we learned what was working and what did not to the extent that we now have very specific channel brands meant for underserved audiences.”

其中包括拉丁裔氛围, 致力于拉丁裔英语娱乐节目, 和《百家乐软件》, 提供针对非裔美国观众的内容.

“我们的战略是打造持久的渠道品牌, 为了让它起作用, we need consistency across the platform and a highly curated premium content experience.”

Fremantle operates 33 FAST channels today on 21 platforms globally and has about 300 hours of titles to draw on. “管理是必须的,”莫蒂说. “We work with extremely talented editorial colleagues who curate the editorial aspects of every channel. 我们检查数据并相应地安排编程.”

该公司重新录制了整个系列 Baywatch in order to freshen it for up for FAST rollout on platforms including Pluto TV and Samsung TV. 该剧于1989年首播,最初是用35毫米胶片拍摄的. The original negatives have been scanned, digitized, and re-edited for 16x9 HD.

Motti said, 一开始, FAST的关键在于数量, and the platforms were mainly interested in launching as many channels as possible. 现在,我们看到了对质量的追求. 如果你想让你的内容进入一个快速平台, 你必须提供高质量的策划体验.”


Fubo Launches Fubo Radio, a FAST Channel Radio Experience Powered by Super Hi-Fi

Fubo has partnered with Super Hi-fi to launch Fubo Radio, a suite of 10 custom audio FAST channels. 作为富博基础频道计划的一部分推出, Fubo Pro, Fubo Radio is the first radio experience created from the ground up for an OTT service, with a TV-first interface and music programming specifically created for Fubo's U.S. audience. But will this new service stand out from other streaming radio platforms and build its own unique audience? FAST industry experts Chris Pfaff and Jonathon Barbato provide some insights.

From NAB NY - The Business of FAST: Monetization, Market Saturation and Viewer Engagement

FAST services have many options for monetization and viewer engagement strategies, such as audience targeting through curated channels and managing third-party platforms. 在NAB NY 2023最近的一次小组讨论中, AMC的高管, Cox, Vevo, and Moloco weighed in on the current state of FAST and how their organizations are working to improve viewer engagement and monetization.


神话娱乐的线性频道, 神秘的24/7, 已经在Plex上线了, one of the most comprehensive entertainment platforms available today.

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在NAB 2023谈论FAST的未来

A session on The Business of FAST: The Challenges in Monetization, Market Saturation and Viewer Engagement in the Streaming Summit at NAB 2023 brought together panelists from Brightcove, Gusto TV, Plex, 三星电视Plus, SlingTV, and Vevo to discuss the surging FAST segment of the streaming market and strategic approaches to maximizing revenues and enhancing discoverability and personalization as more viewers tune in and new channels increasingly glut the market.